Tuesday 1 December 2020 15:00
Time slots: 3:00 PM CET | 11:00 PM CET | 7:00 AM+1
Duration: 01:00:00
Investigate a wider range of possibilities with particle dynamics simulation
Only in recent years both numerical and hardware technology has been able to achieve a level of fidelity and size of problems that can provide true engineering value. This presentation will provide an overview on the latest developments of modelling particle dynamics with a fully resolved approach.
Particulate material and flow is encountered in many industries including agriculture, pharmaceutics, mining, and others. Properly modeling the dynamics of the bulk material of such particles has been a challenge for many years, both from a process perspective (understand particle-particle interaction) as well as the equipment performance and lifecycle (predict particle-equipment interaction).
Only in recent years both numerical and hardware technology has been able to achieve a level of fidelity and size of problems that can provide true engineering value for decision making.
This presentation will provide an overview on the latest developments of modelling particle dynamics with a fully resolved approach, considering both particle true shape and flexibility. Applications and benefits of such precise modeling on equipment wear, liquid film-bridge on the formation of agglomerates, as well as electrically charged particles for both electromagnetic coupling and electrostatic forces will be presented.
Industrial Challenges
Particle Dynamics Simulation Technology
Platform for Advanced Models – Solver API
Equipment Wear Prediction
Cohesive Materials
Electricals Particles