Wednesday 2 December 2020
Time slots: 10:00 AM CET | 6:00 PM CET | 2:00 AM+1 CET
Duration: 02:50:00
Manufacturing Session | Part 1
Keynote Speaker: Oerlikon | Gilles Widawski
4.0 Digital Continuity in the coating service industry
Ansys | Wim Slagter
HPC Licensing Update
Elysium Co. Ltd. | Kentaro Fukuta
Simplify your 3D models -Collaborative Engineering from design to CAE and downstream processes
Altair | Marco Fliesser
The Value of Data Analytics in the Smart Factory
Synopsys | Denis Feindt
3D Image-Based Inspection and Simulation Applied to Additive Manufactured Spinal Truss Medical Implants
CENOS | Mihails Scepanskis
Democratization of CAE - status quo and perspectives
ESSS | Vinicius Daroz
Simulation case studies and applications in the food and beverage industry
TherMet Solutions Pvt.Ltd | Prasanna Kumar
InverseSOLVER: The New Tool for Quality Control by Process Simulation in Manufacturing
Keynote Speaker

Oerlikon | Gilles Widawski
4.0 Digital Continuity in the coating service industry
Acceleration. This is the new key word. Industries are under constant pressure – to improve product quality, boost factory efficiency, stay competitive, enhance safety, security and sustainability, and remain profitable. In the service industry, as the coating Industry or the 3D printing industry, 4.0 is about the significant transformation taking place in the way services are delivered – moving toward new customer experiences from the order to the delivery of service. The digital continuity offers these new opportunities, extending the new capabilities offered from industrial automation and the flexible factory. To stay competitive, factories must leverage the industrial internet of things and digitalization to become much more agile and efficient resources for process improvement. But we can now travel far beyond the Smart Manufacturing Ecosystem to a Smart Supply Chain Ecosystem. Examples developed for the coating service activity will illustrate those new challenges.
Gilles Widawski, 53, is President of Oerlikon France and heads the Western Europe zone of the Oerlikon Balzers Business Unit. Oerlikon is a market leader in advanced materials, surface engineering and equipment for textile fibers. Gilles has had several experiences in R&D management of large groups (Essilor, Alcatel, Nexans) before moving to the United States for 6 years to manage industrial SMEs. He returned to France in 2014 to invest and lead a group of SMEs in the aeronautics and energy sector. Internationalization, digital transformation and open innovation are at the heart of its commitment. Gilles Widawski is a member of the boards of directors of the FIM (Federation of Mechanical Industries) and the ITUS (Union of Surface Treatment Industries), as well as the Paris Region Aerospace Cluster (ASTECH)
Technical session
Ansys | Wim Slagter
HPC Licensing Update
Ansys continues to improve the value of HPC licensing and add new capabilities to allow scalability to whatever computational level of simulation is required, from single-user or small user group options that enable entry-level parallel processing up to virtually unlimited parallel capacity.
Learn about the new HPC-based parametric licensing and get a detailed overview of all HPC licensing options, along with many examples.
Wim is director of HPC and cloud alliances at Ansys. In his role, he is also responsible for the overall design and execution of the global HPC and cloud alliance partner program within Corporate Development and Global Partnerships at Ansys. Wim has 26 years of experience in the business of engineering simulation software with management positions in software development, consulting, sales, and product management. Wim holds a PhD degree in Aerospace Engineering from the Technical University of Delft in the Netherlands.
Elysium Co. Ltd. | Kentaro Fukuta
Simplify your 3D models -Collaborative Engineering from design to CAE and downstream processes
Increasing digitalization and global value-added networks have a strong impact on collaborative engineering. Companies are facing large amounts of data that need to be stored securely, transferred efficiently between partners, customers, suppliers etc., and handled in various tools in defined business and engineering processes. 3D data is playing an important role as communication medium throughout the entire product lifecycle — from conceptual design to downstream processes including CAE analyses, manufacturing and after-sales — and therefore requires reliable IP protection. The value of 3D product information is even increased through approaches like Model-Based Enterprise and Model-Based Systems Engineering. Simplified 3D models serve as a key-enabler for successful digitalization in heterogeneous system landscapes and efficient reuse of CAD data in CAE analyses and downstream processes as only the necessary information is processed.
Mr. Kentaro FUKUTA, General Manager, Global Business Team, Elysium Co. Ltd., JAPAN
Kentaro Fukuta is currently General Manager, Global Business Team of Elysium Co. Ltd., solution provider for 3D CAD data handling, including format conversion, data quality check and repair, simplification, and reverse engineering from point clouds. He is in charge of global marketing and partner alliance with Elysium’s distributors, OEM Partners, and CAD/CAM/CAE vendors. He holds a Master of Science degree from University of Tokyo.

Altair | Marco Fliesser
The Value of Data Analytics in the Smart Factory
Discover how to increase shop floor efficiency by identifying hidden indicators for future down times in your manufacturing assets. Explore how Altair enables enterprises to leverage operational data throughout the complete data lifecycle - from shop floor to top floor - for increased value and reduced risk.
Marco Fliesser joined Altair in 2011 and now he is Manager Data Science leading all Data Science related topics at Altair Germany. In his role he led data science projects, helps customers in the use of Altair’s Data Analytics Platform and leverage data analytics for engineering applications.
Synopsys | Denis Feindt
3D Image-Based Inspection and Simulation Applied to Additive Manufactured Spinal Truss Medical Implants
Spinal fixation is a standard of care for patients with traumatic and chronic injuries. New manufacturing technologies such as additive manufacturing (AM) offer benefits for manufacturing spinal fixation devices with a wider range of mechanical design options than traditional methods. This presentation will look at the development of 4WEB Medical’s Truss Implant Technology™ as a solution that leverages a mechanobiologic mechanism to simulate osteogenic response and facilitate fusion.
A workflow has been created to explore differences between the as-designed and as-manufactured parts using X-ray computed tomography (CT) imaging of the manufactured device, followed by 3D image-based measurements and finite element (FE) simulations. Using this method, differences between the original design and the actual device can be assessed to consider the impact of defects and dimensional deviations on performance, and how this can be factored into future AM processes and design decisions.
Denis has an engineering background from the Technical University of Hamburg in Northern Germany. The last 15 years of his professional life he spent in the field of computer aided engineering covering model generation, computer aided design, meshing and simulation in medical, automotive, aerospace, energy and material sciences.
His focus today is on improving 3D image-based workflows with fully scalable and high ROI solutions that fits the tight budgets of the industry.
As Business Development Manager at Synopsys, he is responsible for the Simpleware product range in Nordic, DACH, Italy and Eastern Europe.

CENOS | Mihails Scepanskis
Democratization of CAE - status quo and perspectives
Over the last decades, we have been observing the winning march of computer-aided drawing (CAD) programs, which are nowadays the market standard even for small workshops. Now, it’s the time for software that covers the next step of engineering design workflow - computer-aided engineering (CAE) software (also known as simulation/modeling software).
Traditional CAE software was designed to be used by a relatively small group of highly experienced engineers in R&D centers of corporations. A couple of decades ago, that covered almost the whole addressable market, but now - the demand in the SMB sector has been gradually growing.
The first part of the presentation will conver the latest research on the real obstacles that hold back SMEs from adopting simulation habits: 40% would like to use CAE software but cannot because of its complexity (40%) and pricing (17%).
The second part of the presentation will review the solutions currently proposed by the market: Pay-as-Go, Cloud, Appification, AI.
Scientist turned entrepreneur. PhD in physics, 10 years of science (Univ. Latvia, Univ. Hannover, Argonne National Lab). Then, co-founded CENOS - the startup aims to democratize engineeringsoftware to be used at production plants and SMBs. Since foundingled the company through acceleration programs: 500 Startups (B26,San Francisco, CA - USA) and Startup Wise Guys (B8, Tallinn - Estonia), raised an angel round, launched a product. In 2020, thecompany employs 13 people and rapidly grows customer portfolio in12 countries in Europe, the Americas and Asia.

ESSS | Vinicius Daroz
Simulation case studies and applications in the food and beverage industry
As the food and beverage industry accelerates its digital transformation, new simulation tools are changing the design and operation of food manufacturing processes and operations. In this presentation, the speaker shares his knowledge and experience on how simulation can benefit the food industry, significantly enhancing food manufacturing processes and operations.
Application case studies showcase how discrete element modeling (DEM) combined with other simulation tools, such as computational fluid mechanics (CFD), enhances process understanding and optimizes critical food processing equipment. The presentation also provides a technical overview of Rocky DEM simulation software and its capabilities, exploring how modeling complex arbitrary particle shapes and sizes can benefit the food and beverage industry.
Vinicius Daroz, M.Sc., Applications Specialist
Vinicius is a Mechanical Engineer with an M.Sc. from the Post-Graduate Program of Mechanical and Materials Engineering (PPGEM) of Federal University of Technology, Paraná (UTFPR). He is currently working at ESSS as a CFD-DEM Applications Engineer on the Rocky DEM technical team. Before joining ESSS, Vinicius was a researcher at the Center of Research on Rheology and Non-Newtonian Fluids (CERNN), working in projects with the Oil & Gas industry regarding the transport of solids in turbulent flows.
TherMet Solutions Pvt.Ltd | Prasanna Kumar
InverseSOLVER: The New Tool for Quality Control by Process Simulation in Manufacturing
In manufacturing, the heat carried away from the component by complex external conditions like quenching, spray cooling, water jet cooling etc., cannot be measured directly. Quantification of such factors is necessary to develop accurate numerical models and efficient process control. InverseSOLVER® together with the Reference Quench Probe® is designed to solve this problem.
In this presentation, we will present how the InverseSOLVER uses temperature-time series measured on samples to estimate the heat flux rate in real world conditions. We also present a new equipment Reference Quench Probe designed to measure the cooling characteristics of the quenchant under plant operating conditions. Reference Quench Probe is based on InverseSOLVER coupled with austenite transformation in the heat treatment of steels.
Several industrial case studies are reported.
T.S. Prasanna Kumar – Founder Director, TherMet Solutions, Banglore, India
Dr T S Prasanna Kumar after a Masters in Engineering from Indian Institute of Science, India and a PhD from Indian Institute of Technology Madras, India, has nearly four decades of Academic and Industrial experience in the specialised areas of Process Modelling, Inverse Heat Conduction, Finite Element Analysis, Metal Casting, Heat Treatment, Software Development. As Founder Director of TherMet Solutions, he is actively involved in Thermal Engineering research activities, Development of ASTM Quench probes and Simulation Software. He is an active member of ASM Bangalore Chapter, India, and has participated in a number of seminars and presented over 100 papers in the National and International arena.