Friday 4 December 2020
Time slots: 2:00 PM CET | 10:00 PM CET | 6:00 AM+1 CET
Duration: 02:20:00
Manufacturing Session | Part 2
Keynote Speaker: Politecnico di Milano | Sergio Terzi
The Future of Manufacturing: Some comments over the COVID19 pandemy
Dassault Systemes | Marco Tagliabue
End-To-End solution for Additive Manufacturing
Capvidia | Daniel Campbell
MBD (Model-based Definition): Benefits for Design, Manufacturing, and Metrology
NTNU | Terje Rølvåg
How to Integrate Cloud Based IoT/CPS to Simulation and Testing Processes using ISO-10303 and Digital Twin Based Crane Monitoring
DTG, Padova University | Franco Bonollo
GAP Project: a support to improve design of high pressure diecast Aluminium alloy components
Zanardi Fonderie | Franco Zanardi
GAP Project: a support to improve performance of innovative cast irons components
Keynote Speaker

Politecnico di Milano | Sergio Terzi
The Future of Manufacturing: Some comments over the COVID19 pandemy
This presentation aims to introduce some open issues about how manufacturing should evolve according to the pandemic situation, in terms of business models and digital technologies.
Sergio Terzi (male) is Associate Professor at Politecnico di Milano, Department of Economics, Management and Industrial Engineering, School of Management, Manufacturing Group. Sergio teaches Industrial technologies and Design and Management of Production Systems. His main area of research is the management of design, engineering and manufacturing processes, with a particular attention on the digital solutions available for supporting the lifecycle engineering (sub-topic of Industry 4.0) perspective. He is author of 4 books and more than 170 papers at national and international level. He is member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal on Product Lifecycle Management, member of the IFIP Working Group 5.1 and 5.7, and member of the IEEE TMS. He is one of the founders of the International Conference on Product Lifecycle Management and he is involved in several other international committees. He is used to work on European research projects, since FP5. He was the Dissemination Manager of the LEANPPD project (FP5), WP leader of the Linked Design project (FP6), WP leader of the ELICiT project (FP6), Scientific Coordinator of the Manutelligence project (H2020), and Project Coordinator of the LINCOLN project (H2020). He is Director of the Executive Program in Manufacturing Management and Industry .40, as well as Director of the Industry 4.0 Lab and Director of the national Observatory Industry 4.0.
Technical session

Dassault Systemes | Marco Tagliabue
End-To-End solution for Additive Manufacturing
Our solution to support the Additive Manufacturing world from the design intent to the realization of the printed part will be presented. In particular, within the concept of lightweight engineering, we are presenting a new transformed framework from the current traditional feature-based design to a new intelligent generative approach where key-performance indicators (e.g., less weight, less material, more stiffness, more durability, less money spent, etc.) are at the center of the design. Our proposal is aimed at leveraging all the digitally continuous layers behind the process definition and production planning phases to seamlessly connect all the different profiles at work (e.g., Designers, Simulation Analysts, Manufacturing Engineers).
In this presentation, we are going to show you the details behind our End-to-End 3D-Experience Platform solution based both on CATIA and SIMULIA technologies. An insight on process planning and setup of the manufacturing environment through DELMIA apps will be also given.
Marco holds a Master’s Degree in Aeronautical Engineering from Politecnico di Milano; he joined Dassault Systémes in 2016 and has been taking care of the CATIA Sales in EUROMED ever since. Before joining Dassault Systémes he worked as a FE Simulation tech sales in Siemens Industry Software and as an application engineer for LMS and Samtech before their acquisition by Siemens.
Capvidia | Daniel Campbell
MBD (Model-based Definition): Benefits for Design, Manufacturing, and Metrology
In this presentation, we will redefine what is true MBD, show why it important, and demonstrate real-world implementation and benefits from design to manufacturing to metrology.
True MBD starts with 3D CAD with PMI (product manufacturing information) that drives GD&T, general notes, BoM, engineering change orders, and other 3D annotations.
This becomes the single source of truth (interoperability & traceability) for all downstream applications, enabling companies to pursue automation, Big Data, AI and other insights, because quality data moves beyond pass/fail and is mapped back to the model for improved product, process, and business decisions.
In the short run, there are plenty of low-hanging fruit that MBD practice can save time and costs immediately such as creating automatic FAI, PPAP or inspection reports; automatic data import to CMM or CAM.
We will also address impediments to MBD ranging from fear, ignorance, data silos, and the always popular, "It’s always been done this way." Unfortunately, ignorance is not bliss as we are reminded repetitively of once great industry giants (Kodak, Blockbuster, Blackberry, Yahoo, etc.) that chose not to innovate.
Daniel Campbell, VP Model-Based Definition at Capvidia - Sugar Land
Capvidia, 3 years 9 months,
VP Model-Based Definition, January 2020 - Present (9 months) - Houston, Texas
Director Of Business Development, January 2017 - January 2020 (3 years 1 month) - Sugar Land, TX
Metrosage LLC, Owner and Software Director, May 2003 - January 2017 (13 years 9 months)
Application of Simulation Softwareto Coordinate MeasurementUncertainty Evaluations
Applications of Computer Simulationin CMM Uncertainty Evaluation
Applications of Computer Simulationto CMM Uncertainty Evaluation
Application of Simulation Softwareto Coordinate MeasurementUncertainty Evaluation
A Versatile Tool for the Evaluationof CMM Task-Specific MeasurementUncertainty
NTNU | Terje Rølvåg
How to Integrate Cloud Based IoT/CPS to Simulation and Testing Processes using ISO-10303 and Digital Twin Based Crane Monitoring
This presentation will introduce the ISO 10303 STEP standard with a focus on how users can connect IIoT/CPS solutions and its sensor data directly to CAD, CAE and PLM/SDM models, ensuring performant data exchange, sharing and archiving processes. Several examples will be highlighted, like the Mountain Bike, the Crane of the Gunnerus research vessel and more. The IIoT/CPS Implementation is based on the open source software "Arrowhead Framework”, now also available in the Eclipse environment.
Prof. Terje Rølvåg holds a M.Sc. and a Ph.D. within finite element dynamics of elastic mechanisms and control from NTH. His publications are mainly within non-linear finite element dynamics and active damping of elastic mechanisms. He has been central in developing FEDEM, a finite element based modelling and simulation tool with multidisciplinary capabilities (see He has also established several engineering companies and optimized products for the automotive, offshore and aerospace industries. Prof. Rølvåg's research interests cover computer science applied for engineering applications focusing on simulation of behaviour and strength of electromechanical products.

DTG, Padova University | Franco Bonollo
GAP Project: a support to improve design of high pressure diecast Aluminium alloy components
The paper describe activities carried out in the frame of GAP (Ghise e leghe di Alluminio ad elevate Prestazioni), supported by Regione Veneto (POR-FESR 2014-2020). The development of a diecast Aluminium alloy component is presented, showing the integrated use of microstructural investigations, process simulation, non-destructive inspections and design solutions. The conceptual path followed to improve Aluminium alloys in view of higher fluidity (to make available the achievement of thinner sections) and to introduce the optimised alloy in the manufacturing process is presented and detailed. Guidelines for a further extension of the approach developed to other components are finally discussed.
Franco Bonollo is full Professor of Metallurgy at the Department of Management and Engineering, and President of the School of Engineering at Padova University. His scientific activity is focussed on light alloys and composites, foundry processes and their simulation, innovative welding techniques. He is author of about 200 scientific and technical papers. He has been Scientific Coordinator of the EC Leonardo Pilot Project COPROFOUND and METRO, and Scientific Manager of the EC IP NADIA (New automotive components Designed for and manufactured by Intelligent processing of light Alloys, 2006-2010) and of the EU Project MUSIC (7th PQ, 2012-2016, on process control of High Pressure Die Casting). He has been Coordinator of the EU Project StaCast (7th FP, 2012-2014, on new Standards for Aluminium alloys).

Zanardi Fonderie | Franco Zanardi
GAP Project: a support to improve performance of innovative cast irons components
The paper describe activities carried out in the frame of GAP (Ghise e leghe di Alluminio ad elevate Prestazioni), supported by Regione Veneto (POR-FESR 2014-2020). The development of innovative joining processes, in which innovative Cast Irons are welded to steel is described and potential applications are reviewed.
Franco Zanardi is Honorary President of Zanardi Fonderie, a foundry specialised in the development and production of spheroidal graphite iron (GJS) and austempered ductile iron (ADI). Author of several papers in the field of advanced Cast Irons components, designed and produced on-site in the company’s factory in Minerbe (Verona).