Monday 30 November 2020
Time slots: 10:00 AM CET | 6:00 PM CET | 2:00 AM+1 CET
Duration: 01:00:00
Future Driven CAE Software Development – SMT’s CAE Software: MASTA
In the one-hour event SMT will present their flagship CAE software, MASTA, which is well known as the premier specialised transmission and driveline design and analysis tool. This event will focus on the productivity benefits of MASTA, which enables engineers to design robust, efficient, lightweight and quiet transmissions from concept design through detailed design, and all the way to manufacture, enabling true design for manufacture.
In just one hour, we’ll give you an information packed, interactive overview of MASTA’s major design and analysis capabilities. Running all the way from basic model building to advanced analysis methodologies. This event will also take a look at the future developments of MASTA, with their next major update releasing soon.